Retirement Income Analysis

Tax Analysis

Any analysis of present or future retirement income is not complete unless the taxation of this income is included. There are three levels of taxation that need to be taken into consideration as follows:

Taxation of Contributions

Are the contributions by you or your employer tax deductible? “Qualified” plans such as 401ks, 403bs and certain IRAs are tax deductible. In other words, contributions to the plans are not taxed to you when they are paid into the plans. “Qualified” plan assets provide tax deductibility and tax deferral, but withdrawals, during lifetime or for inheritance are taxed completely as ordinary income.

Taxation of Gains in the Investments between Contributions and Withdrawals

Are gains in the investments tax deferred? Are gains in your assets taxed on a current basis as ordinary income or capital gains, or is taxation on the gains not recognized until you take withdrawals from these assets? Gains in planning opportunities such as Roth IRAs or “Roth Alternatives” are not taxed at either ordinary income or capital gains rates during the accumulation phase.

Taxation of withdrawals

When you liquidate funds for retirement, are these withdrawals taxed as ordinary income or capital gains, or are the distributions tax free? “Qualified” assets such as traditional IRAs and 401(k)s are taxed as ordinary income while Roth IRAs and “Roth Alternatives” are free of both ordinary income and capital gains.

The Quandary

When it comes to tax deductibility, tax deferral and tax-free distributions, no retirement asset class allows you to have all three. The best you can have is two out of three!

The Solution

A thorough review of your lifestyle goals and plans in retirement necessarily includes a review of not only present tax consequences, but tax consequences when distributions are taken. It’s not just how much you accumulate for retirement. it’s how much you get to keep after taxes in retirement.

Below is a taxation summary for The Roth Alternative.


Green is a Positive Aspect Qualified Plans
Equities Tax-Free Bonds Annuities Roth Alternative
Contributions Tax Deductable After Taxes After Taxes After Taxes After Taxes
Contribution Limits Yes No No No No
Accumulation Phase Tax Deferred Taxable Taxable Tax Deferred Tax Deferred
Repositioning Assets Tax Free Capital Gains Taxable Tax Free Tax Free
Distribution Phase Capital Gains or Ordinary Income Taxed as Dividends Tax Free Ordinary Income on Gains Tax Free
Access Past Age 59 1/2 Any Time Any Time Past Age 59 1/2 Any Time
Estate Taxes at Death 75% – 85% Up to 50% Up to 50% 60% Tax Free*
Asset Protection 100% 0 0 100%** 100%**

* Subject to advanced planning.

** This Asset Protection feature varies from state to state.

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